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Magnets monitoring in salt

Started by , Sep 01 2023 03:09 PM
4 Replies

Hi everyone,


We have magnets installed in our salt plant for metal collection, at different stages of process. Now I need to design the form which can be used for the monitoring of metal collection by these magnets. so what parameters should I consider while designing this form, i have in my mind that I should mention the location, magnet power, weight of metal collected etc. what else should be part of this form, if anyone can plz help me on this

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Your individual magnets should be identifiable by some method, and recording which magnet # and the location it is installed is helpful information.  I worked in a plant where we had more lines than magnets, so there was cross use we had to capture.  Something in your sheet to help you know magnet #4 is being checked on line 2.  Also helps to document when/if a magnet ever gets removed from service or a new one is introduced, as your paper trails will show the magnet no longer being used after you document it's retirement.


In my old spice plant, we would get metal powder/dust or small fragments from the product pretty often.  During the magnet check, operators would report findings as "light, medium or heavy" for that check, and we defined directly on the form in the top instructions what each meant ("light" would be basically a dusting of metalic powder, "medium" might include up to x amount of metal fragments under 2mm or magnet mostly covered in powder, "heavy" would be any larger fragment, something like that).  And any large item found was required to be described on the bottom in the notes:  "2pm magnet check discovered a 10mm bolt" or something like that.  Auditors almost always commented that they liked our definition of light/medium/heavy being shown directly on the check form, as it prevents interpretation by different operators.

thanks for the help jfrey, I also liked your form format. since your plant is in US and our product is also supposed to export to US market, so can you tell me that is there any requirement that I should also mention the amount of metal collected from magnet for instance in grams or mg, or only the size is enough like you already  mentioned powder/dust, or <xmm or >xmm, or any object like screw or nail. I have codex stand for salt but there is no standard mentioned for metals as contaminants. so if you can share standard requirements for salt in US market. thanks in advance

Hi everyone,


We have magnets installed in our salt plant for metal collection, at different stages of process. Now I need to design the form which can be used for the monitoring of metal collection by these magnets. so what parameters should I consider while designing this form, i have in my mind that I should mention the location, magnet power, weight of metal collected etc. what else should be part of this form, if anyone can plz help me on this

A relevant answer may also depend on the specific reason for the necessity of development of the so-callled "Form" ? ie Context.

Your individual magnets should be identifiable by some method, and recording which magnet # and the location it is installed is helpful information.  I worked in a plant where we had more lines than magnets, so there was cross use we had to capture.  Something in your sheet to help you know magnet #4 is being checked on line 2.  Also helps to document when/if a magnet ever gets removed from service or a new one is introduced, as your paper trails will show the magnet no longer being used after you document it's retirement.


In my old spice plant, we would get metal powder/dust or small fragments from the product pretty often.  During the magnet check, operators would report findings as "light, medium or heavy" for that check, and we defined directly on the form in the top instructions what each meant ("light" would be basically a dusting of metalic powder, "medium" might include up to x amount of metal fragments under 2mm or magnet mostly covered in powder, "heavy" would be any larger fragment, something like that).  And any large item found was required to be described on the bottom in the notes:  "2pm magnet check discovered a 10mm bolt" or something like that.  Auditors almost always commented that they liked our definition of light/medium/heavy being shown directly on the check form, as it prevents interpretation by different operators.

mine would be simialr to this.     I like to document corrective and preventative actions on the same form, but it could be documented elsewhere.    IE - you found something that indicated potentially unsafe product or equipment failure.  what did you do about it?   

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