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Food Safety Risks from Dead Body

Started by , Aug 28 2023 06:27 AM
17 Replies
Q: When someone dies in a grain silo (ie. crushed or asphyxiation), would you use the grain?
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Hard no


Morally, this is an absurd question


Food Safety related, you cannot possibly know the pathogens that may be present so erring on the side of safety means disposing of grain in it's entirety 

I cannot imagine any situation where I would allow that grain to become food.

Organic recycling for biofuel, maybe. 


It's a bad look for a company or employee to even ask this question. Someone DIED. Selling the grain should be the least of your concerns.

Focus on preventing this from happening again. And pay respects to the deceased.

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It's all about the packaging.  

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Absolutely.  Resoundingly.  No.  Even if there were to be a risk assessment capable of measuring a spherical radius from the location of the body to determine the safety of surrounding product, there's a zero percent chance I'd be willing to perform it.

I cannot see a way that you could/should use this. It's bad from so many angles, including facility morale.

Hard No!  Who is the one that is suggesting saving some of the grain?  Management?  Owners? Who is the Quality Manager?  The Quality manager should be writing up a non-conformance and disposal of all grain from silo. 

Would you willingly and knowingly consume this grain or use it feed any of your loved ones?  If the answer is no (which it should be) then you already know the answer to your proposed question.  Most everyone on this thread have stated the repercussions as well as moral objectivity for reasoning.   

Q: When someone dies in a grain silo (ie. crushed or asphyxiation), would you use the grain?


I'm refusing to believe this is a genuine question.


:bop:   :beam:  :diespam:


I'm refusing to believe this is a genuine question.
:bop:   :beam:  :diespam:

I can't believe he is advertising his Food Safety site from his profile!
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I'm refusing to believe this is a genuine question.


:bop:   :beam:  :diespam:

 I also considered this a gas lighting trick to be played on us all, lol....

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Haha I take a week off and come back to see IFSQN is still one of the most interesting places on the internet.  :sorcerer:


I gotta say as morbid (and otherwise uncomfortable question) as this is I'm not convinced this is spam


I don't think it's too far for some company to ask this question...............say the elevator holds 3 million bushels of wheat (which for anyone not living under a rock knows hit an all time high this year)

The current price of wheat as of August 25, 2023 is $6.8399 per bushel.


so 6.8399*3 million = $20.5 million


doesn't make it right, but doesn't make it out of the realm of possibility (particularly compared to some of the other questions that have been asked

Now you've got me curious on grain silo sizes....  this was interesting:




and this:




dats a lot of grain yo!

1 Thank

Isn't it the same human in the silo with the same risks if they were alive? Or in this hypothetical did they bleed or leak fluid, feces or something?  

Isn't it the same human in the silo with the same risks if they were alive? Or in this hypothetical did they bleed or leak fluid, feces or something?

I don't think so, because they would be beneath the grain if they suffocated. Beneath the grain would add the biohazard part.

Now you've got me curious on grain silo sizes....  this was interesting:




and this:




dats a lot of grain yo!

more fun facts!

  • t takes 2.3 bushels of wheat (138 pounds) to produce 100 pounds of white flour.
  • A bushel of wheat is approximately 60 pounds.
  • One bushel of wheat contains 1 million individual kernels.
  • A bushel of wheat makes about 45 boxes of wheat flake cereal!
  • A bushel of wheat yields 42 one-and-a-half pound commercial loaves of white bread OR about 90 one-pound loaves of whole wheat bread.
  • A bushel of wheat makes about 42 pounds of pasta or 210 servings of spaghetti.
  • There is approximately 16 ounces of flour in a one-and-a-half pound loaf of bread.

Haha I take a week off and come back to see IFSQN is still one of the most interesting places on the internet.  :sorcerer:




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