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Shelf life of black olives thermally sealed in cans with no preservatives

Started by , Aug 23 2023 11:02 PM
4 Replies

Question: I have cans of black olives in a can, no preservatives, olives are sterilized in the cans, cans state use olives within 7 days after opening.


was wondering if i could put olives in a barrel where brine would contain; Sodium Benzoate, Calcium Chloride, Potassium Sorbate and Sodium Metabisulfite. would addition of preservatives give me a longer shelf life?


Thank you for your time.

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You could do so.


However who in their right mind would eat all that garbage?


Best would be to throw a party for black olive lovers and have a great night with the olives, other olives, feta cheese, salads, etc.



Hi rgiuliano137,


Why don’t you just freeze them?


Kind regards,



Ewe to the frozen olives, they will loose all of the texture (because they don't have much to begin with)


To preserve them, you could use preservatives OR you could recan/jar them in brine with a water bath (if you have that capability) 

Yummy brine like this

Make a brine by bringing the salt and 1 litre of water to the boil in a large stockpot. If you need more brine, add 100 g of table salt for every 1 litre of water. Distribute the olives between two large clean jars. Add a garlic clove and chilli to each jar, then place a lemon slice on top. Then water bath or pressure can depending on what your process authority says

You don't state volumes, but I would wonder why open a barrel worth of cans just to try to prolong their shelf life, when the shelf life of the cans is already indefinite?


A refrigerator style pickle brine would be my go to if I had an open 10# can of olives I wanted to keep longer.  They typically just use kitchen salt and acid (acetic, lactic, citric, malic) as the preservative agents.  

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