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Mitigation Plan for Disgruntled Employees

Started by , Aug 21 2023 11:02 PM
1 Reply

Hi All


My company is currently rebuilding our TACCP plan as the one we were using was from our Australia site. After getting BRC, the NZ site decided to have their own TACCP plan.


The one thing that had the highest risk is the disgruntled employees. Of course since this is a high risk, we will need a plan to mitigate this.


Does anybody have an idea or suggestion on how to even start making this plan? HR and Managers are part of the TACCP team but where do we even start. What do you guys have as a plan for this risk?


I would love to hear from you all and maybe get some ideas out of you.


From our recent culture survey, looks like employees are not feeling appreciated enough, which I find in every company I have worked for.



Thank you in advance :) 

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Greetings Linzy,


"Not appreciated enough" needs further investigation if you are going to try for a solution which will be also included in your TACCP Plan. Could be bad working conditions or underpayment or long hours with very small breaks or infighting issues between different groups of people or bad treatment from superiors or opinion exclusion in matters that direclty affect them or promotion issues or exhaustingly repetitional work or superiors may seem very dettached etc etc etc. Point is you have to identify the main source/s of the problem. The best way to start it so that the employees do not feel like they are going to be under scrutiny is to set up an anonymous suggestion / opinion box and ecourage them to voice their concerns. This should get you a first impression on which you can follow up with further investigation (maybe private interviews with a third party so anonymity is assured) or if you are lucky enough it could straight up give you the main problem.


A few things you can start on beforehand is to try and give some incentives like maybe set up training days once in a while (could be health safety topics or a new process or new technology. People even if they don't express it like the opportunity to learn something, not gonna lie to you some may just enjoy the downtime!!!). Also, encourage them in general to express their problems anonymously, ask for their opinions if a change in the equipment or a process is under discussion (you will be surprised of how helpful on the small details can the suggestions be from those who have the day-to-day hands-on experience).

Lastly (I don't know how things are in your company) but at least the direct superiors should take walks from time to time and interact with the personnel, not only to issue orders. I have seen a small talk or simply asking a "how are you today" with an honest smile going a really long way.



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