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Supplier Audit points for Dairy plant

Started by , Aug 19 2023 09:23 AM
7 Replies
Hello everyone..
Working in a catering company, As part of our organisation we do audit dairy processing plants.. but since I have only theoretical knowledge of the same can any personnel from the dairy field guide me on the following questions

1. What are the points to ask during a plant tour as an auditor.
2. what are the critical equipments that are to be visited during the audit.
3. What are the common food safety concerns to watch out in a automated dairy plant.

Thank you team these information will greatly help me to do an appropriate supplier audit.
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Probably need more info. What do the make?   Fluid milk, mixes, cultured products, cheese, etc.   Are they HTST, ESL/ aseptic, etc


The biggest food safety concern is pathogenic bacteria.    At least in the USA, the pasteurizng process in pretty regulated and monitored and multiple failsafe devices are normally present.    without pretty specific knowledge of them it would be hard for an outsider to judge there performance.  Temperature charts, thermometer calibrations, timing records, etc. would be one thing to review.   How often and pasteurizers broken down, leak checked, etc?


Sanitation is key in a diary plant.  I would want to review all of the sanitation records making sure time, temp and chemical concentrations are maintained.   the MSS  for other items that are not done daily.   such as when equipment such as seats on valves replaced.   ATP results, envirnmental monitoring.  

temperatures are key (more for HTST)  I would want to review storage temps of all product stored in tanks, temps off filler, final product storage, etc.  


I would want to review finished product testing specifically for bacteria and or shelf life.  again, the testing dependsd on the process (htst vs aesptic, etc) 


there is also some concern for anitboitics present in raw milk received.  it would be good to review these records for that as well as the quality of the incoming milk.    


I attached the FDA inspection form for a diary plant.   it might help some.   

Attached Files

1 Like
1- Records of raw milk transportation tankers (temperature, antibiotic test etc.)
2- Does it have a clarification machine?
3- Do heavy metal analysis of raw milk?
4- Production area swab test results (Microbiology)
5- Are there accelerated shelf life devices?
6- Cleaning chemicals residue verification test results
7- Packaging swab test results (Microbiology)
8- Personnel health check reports
9- Salmonella , Clostridium perfringens
Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Vibrio
parahaemolyticus, measures taken....
Hi Kingstudeuler1,
Thank you for providing the helpful infirmation
This dairy company actually produces the below list of products

Fresh pasteurised milk
UHT treated milk
Fresh juice from juice concentrates
Flavoured milk UHT
Mozerella cheese
Haloumi cheese
Canned evaporated milk
Cream cheese

So they have 2 plants
I hope this information will be helpful for you to provide more info on the same Thank you once again

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Hi Creative86,


If you have no experience of dairy processing plants then I would question if you should be conducting the supplier approval audit.


It may be better to contract out the audit to a qualified auditor and shadow that auditor during the audit to gain experience.


Alternatively you could approve the suppliers if they have certification to a GFSI regognized standard with a scope that includes the products you are purchasing.


The form provided by kingstudruler1 could be used as a guide to look at hygiene standards. Auditing the pasteurisation controls requires some knowledge/experience.


The main areas to look at during the audit would be raw milk acceptance/controls, processing/pasteurisation, fermentation controls including slow vat procedures, post fermentation packing/cooling. The applicable controls for these should be laid out in their food safety plans which I would review prior to the audit.


Kind regards,




Hi Creative86,


If you have no experience of dairy processing plants then I would question if you should be conducting the supplier approval audit.


It may be better to contract out the audit to a qualified auditor and shadow that auditor during the audit to gain experience.


Alternatively you could approve the suppliers if they have certification to a GFSI regognized standard with a scope that includes the products you are purchasing.


The form provided by kingstudruler1 could be used as a guide to look at hygiene standards. Auditing the pasteurisation controls requires some knowledge/experience.


The main areas to look at during the audit would be raw milk acceptance/controls, processing/pasteurisation, fermentation controls including slow vat procedures, post fermentation packing/cooling. The applicable controls for these should be laid out in their food safety plans which I would review prior to the audit.


Kind regards,



Hate to be that guy but I agree, you should not be auditing something you have no experience in or with. I'd suggest working in that industry or getting trained by a Subject Matter Expert (S.M.E.) to grasp an understanding of the process in which you're about to audit. 

Hi Tony & prblsolved thank you guys for the responses.
I do agree I’m not a an expert in this process but my knowledge is limited to theoretical knowledge hence I shot out the question in order to have a better understanding.. if you would at the same time recommend any materials to refer or consult that’ll be helpful. Because hiring a specialist will not materialise any sooner.

Hi Tony & prblsolved thank you guys for the responses.
I do agree I’m not a an expert in this process but my knowledge is limited to theoretical knowledge hence I shot out the question in order to have a better understanding.. if you would at the same time recommend any materials to refer or consult that’ll be helpful. Because hiring a specialist will not materialise any sooner.


Hi Creative86,


Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration is as good a documented standard as any.


Kind regards,



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