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Using bugspray on the vacuum seal machine

Started by , Aug 02 2023 02:33 AM
9 Replies

HI, I have a question


someone used a bugspray on the vacuum seal machine, not directly where the vacuum seal are, but in the back where the wirings and piping are. there is an air path to the packing section of the machine as well.


what to do? 


and if i have cockroach infestation in a machine

what is the treatment process

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DO NOT SHIP that product   you need to thoroughly clean that machine before you use it again


As for cockroaches---shut down production have a PCO bomb the building, close any holes to the outside etc


This is a big deal and you shouldn't currently be processing any food in that environment

Agree with Scampi!

Quarantine that product immediately! Throw away any carryover ingredients and call your PCO for advice.

Yeah you definitely need to stop everything in there and destroy the product made with that machine. Scampi has a good game plan for bombing the building. Going forward it's important to understand that this infestation likely developed because of improper sanitation and poor facility design. The correction process doesn't just stop with killing the roaches, there are procedural changes that need to happen to ensure they don't come back. 

the section have been isolated, it was found during maintainance so no food was packed in the mean time.


we are planning for a bug bomb of the whole place

but we do need a temporary solution before that, so that production can continue without the need for the factory to close for a long time.
it would be even better, if it can be done on one part of the factory, by one part. and the factory itself dont have much lee way.


in short it is something the require consideration of capital and time cost. 

I don't think this is something that you have a temporary solution for...you need to get rid of the infestation immediately before producing ANY product in affected areas and make sure it does not come back. 

well, what i mean by temporary, is that 

rather than closing the whole factory, things like isolating the machine, ( since it is the only infestation we found)

and we already have plan to upgrade the area, but there is a period until work on the area upgrade can start.

Your Pest control program should have list of approved chemicals that are allowed to use in your facility, and I believe bug spray is not one of them. You are already in violation there. You should consult your PCO before proceeding with any production.


If you have an infestation of one machine, they're getting inside the facility somehow and I'm sure they are not only hanging out in one machine.


I would shut everything down and completely rethink pest control program and sanitation program before starting up again at all.


If you have an infestation of one machine, they're getting inside the facility somehow and I'm sure they are not only hanging out in one machine.
I would shut everything down and completely rethink pest control program and sanitation program before starting up again at all.

If you 'bug bomb' one machine, you may force the bugs to find a new machine to live in

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