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Control the biological hazards documentation

Started by , Jul 28 2023 08:39 PM
2 Replies

What kind of  documents could I need to have to  show that the cooking temperatures for flour tortillas control the biological hazards and potential pathogen survival of lethal treatment?  I appreciate any reply .. thank you in advance for your support.

I just have an FDA Audit and this was required.

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What kind of  documents could I need to have to  show that the cooking temperatures for flour tortillas control the biological hazards and potential pathogen survival of lethal treatment?  I appreciate any reply .. thank you in advance for your support.

I just have an FDA Audit and this was required.

Hi Izahel,


So how is it "cooked" ? Fried, Baked ? Process ?


The theoretical answer is simple - HACCP Plan//Validations. The Operational answer involves knowledge of the Process.


If baked, The AIB website  / Lethality Calculator  likely answers both aspects from a FDA POV in considerable detail.



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Good Morning ,

Our product is baked in a oven in a range of temperatures of 400 to 600 ° F.

i Found a validation from the AIB international approved by FSMA ( Using a  data log ) to keep this validation as a records for our process.


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