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Micro Testing for French Fries

Started by , Jul 25 2023 12:26 PM
4 Replies

Does anyone have preferred testing for frozen par fried French fries? Our in house lab uses 3M Petrifilm plates. 


My initial thoughts were APC, coliforms/e. coli and possibly add staph. aureus? Is it common to plate Yeast and molds for potatoes? 


Thanks for your feedback! 

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I work with a frozen fry company.   They only test for APC and coliform/EB.   


I guess it depends on customer requirements and what information you seek to gain from testing.   

I work corporately for a number of fresh cut fruit and vegetable plants, so no frozen french fry experience, but we've been updating a lot of our HA's to reflect the FDA's newly issued recommendation tables.  For frozen NRTE vegetables, they've identified e. Coli, Salmonella, and Listeria as potential biological hazards.


P. 41:  Draft Guidance for Industry: Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food - Appendix 1 Tables (fda.gov)

I'd recommend YM/EL monitoring at the site level for potential sanitation issues and sending out APC/EB on their actual food products to at least indicate whether further testing would be recommended/needed. Bare minimum though would be AC/EB plates. CC/EC plates too if they've ever had issues with pathogenic forms of E. coli. 

What are the limits you are going to use?   Before setting up a test, you need to be prepared for the results!!

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