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Do we need to remove grass growing in rocks before the audit?

Started by , Jul 18 2023 06:27 PM
6 Replies

We are fixing to have an SQF audit Thursday.  I was wondering if grass has to be pulled up in the front of the building.  It is like weeds growing though the rocks.  We just have rocks surrounded in concrete, do they have to be completely grass free?  I would think in other building designs there is grass to the buildings.

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If there is any growing in the perimeter, it needs to sparce. If you can have someone come in and spray weed killer and then you have to remove the dead plants, that has worked for me in the past.
HOWEVER, we have very little coming in the perimeter.

Depends on the amount, how close it is to areas of your business and the auditor.  They can get you by saying it is a pest harborage point depending on what I first stated.  Shouldn't be too hard to spray them or pull them.  Plus it just makes the place look better.

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Harborage and demonstrating maintenance are the sticking points.  We've had comments on it before from auditors, and subsequently just make sure that kind of stuff gets pulled and cleaned up.


An auditor in a bad mood could stick you with a minor NC for it.  Or worse if you really let it get out of hand.

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Since you've stated it's concrete and then rocks against the building, I wouldn't worry yourself about it  (plenty of more important things to do before A day)


Can hardly be called a harborage point as no animal is going to call that home

In my personal experience, it's always good to remove those things away. Reduces the chance of getting non conformance for pest harborage.
We get the perimeter monthly cleaned up to remove any weeds growth around building. It is audited as a part of monthly GMP inspection. Hence, a part of GMP culture and never an issue.

We keep a perimeter approximately 20" from the wall clear of vegetation year round. It makes building maintenance much easier. Our lawn service doesn't need to trim anywhere since we do this and it's less expensive if they never have to get off the mower to finish our lawn or get out the line trimmers. We have rocks across one area of the building and we treat the whole area for weeds twice a year. It's quick, cheap, and easy to maintain once you get it to that point and it makes the whole facility look good and makes the auditor's job easy when doing our exterior inspection.

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