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Does SQF require a physical copy of all of your SOPs with an approval signature?

Started by , May 16 2023 07:59 PM
5 Replies

Does SQF require you have a physical copy of all of your SOP's with an approval signature, or can it be signed off electronically?


Everywhere I have worked has had either a binder where the SQF practitioner prints out the physical document and signs them, or we had a dedicated electronic FSQA management system which would track and preserve all document revision and review activities. 


We do not currently have any such type program, but my boss would like to do away with all the printing and binders. We already have a document to use to document reviews, but we were wondering about the SQF approval signatures that our binders contain. Can we just change everything to an electronic signature in Word/Excel? Are there any pitfalls to watch out for here (or ways to do this that would not be acceptable) or should we really just keep the binders?

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Typing a name in Excel/Word, or even pasting a picture of the signature, can be done by anyone.  So you'll have auditors ask you to prove how you know that specific person entered their name on that specific document.  As the signature usually serves as proof that person reviewed the document, the inability to prove the person actually entered their name to the document means you cannot prove they reviewed and approved, and in the case of the SQF Practitioner needing to review all programs, it can be a critical non-conformity depending on the program.


My first SQF certified company was very paper heavy, manual in documentation.  Each program had 3 signatures:  Issued By, Approved By, and SQF Practitioner.  And we would sign every. single. page.  This came about because documents like my Recall Program was 26+ pages long, and if they only sign the top page, an auditor once asked me if I can prove the Practitioner had reviewed the entire program.  With a signature on every.single.page, I can at least prove the signer saw the page, and then of course bring them in to interview if needed.  Also eliminates the possibility of someone replacing a single page in the binder (which also has been brought up to me during audits).


I like binders.  I kept one as my official bible for the plant, with electronic versions of the signed copies available for distribution, and always made it available for production staff to review if they had a question about a certain procedure.  Auditors seemed to like that too.  If you do move away from signing the programs in the binder, you'll need some type of outside program to handle electronic signing, as just entering names in Word/Excel will not be sufficient.

we DO NOT "approve" SOPS


at annual review, we initial and date the most recent version as proof of review


You can included password protection and/or file path permissions in part of your controlled document program

No requirement and yes.

we DO NOT "approve" SOPS


at annual review, we initial and date the most recent version as proof of review


Hi Scampi,


I think most people would "approve" their SOPs.


Given you have worked with SQF for a while, I assume that you must have some sort of system in place to ensure that SOPs are correct when issued and that you don't wait until an annual review to check that.


Kind regards,



Most of our documents just have a printed name, but editing the file is restricted.  Anyone in management can read or print a form or policy, but only trained practitioners can edit them. 


Most systems will also record the login/username of who last edited the file in the metadata.


Is it 100% foolproof, no.  But people can forge signatures too.

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