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Are there any food safety regulations regarding the presence of a crematorium adjacent to our facility?

Started by , May 12 2023 02:33 PM
3 Replies

Our Engineering & Maintenance Manager asked me a very interesting question:  Are there any food safety regulations regarding the possible presence of a crematorium on a property adjacent to our facility, particularly since we are an SQF certified food manufacturing facility?  I could not think of any off-hand, and would think that if a company is looking at possibly building a crematorium, that they would have to assess adjacent businesses to ensure there are no risks.  I would also assume that a crematorium would be required to have controls in place to prevent possible release of contaminants.  Can anyone offer any insight?  

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11.1 Site Location and Premises

11.1.1 Premises Location and Approval The site shall assess local activities and the site environment to identify any risks that may have an adverse impact on product safety and implement controls for any identified risks. The assessment shall be reviewed in response to any changes in the local environment or activities.


The construction and ongoing operation of the premises on the site shall be approved by the relevant authority.




So yes, you are required by SQF code to evaluate the area around your processing locations, and also make sure your premise has the required approvals by your local authorities. I've had to write up evaluations for plants near large bodies of water, identifying that insect activity is likely around the shorelines and making sure flooding of that body of water is addressed in their crisis management.  I've also had to evaluate that one of my plants was in the same warehouse complex with a chemical manufacturer, and we determined there was sufficient distance from them that even if they had some mass leak, there was no likelihood our business would be affected.


I used to work in a spice plant that was inspected and licensed by local health department for air quality because we vented mills and a vacuum dust collection system to atmosphere.  I have zero idea of what regulations are needed for a crematorium, but I'd bet they're required to do something similar regarding air quality (because no one wants human remains raining down on the neighbors).  I'd wager you can discuss any concerns with your local health department (or whomever regulates crematoriums where you live), and they'd share the measures the crematorium must undergo to operate safely.  Include that in your evaluation, and determine if there is any potential risk to your operations.

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So yes, you are required by SQF code to evaluate the area around your processing locations, ...


I'd bet they're required to do something similar regarding air quality (because no one wants human remains raining down on the neighbors).  I'd wager you can discuss any concerns with your local health department (or whomever regulates crematoriums where you live), and they'd share the measures the crematorium must undergo to operate safely.  Include that in your evaluation, and determine if there is any potential risk to your operations.


I had similar thoughts.  Everyone has to evaluate risk based on the surroundings of the site.   And yeah, I'm sure there is some gov agency responsible for making sure human remains aren't sprinkled all over town.

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