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COCs as they Partain to Approved Vendor Supplier Documentation

Started by , Apr 26 2023 06:50 PM
4 Replies

Hello all, 

I am currently reviewing my approved supplier and vendor list ensuring that all specs, audits and certifications are up to date for each of our material suppliers. 

For our packaging suppliers we have certificates of conformity amongst other required regulatory information.


My ask is: How often are you asking for updated letters or certificates of conformity for previously approved packaging suppliers.

These documents don't seem to expire, so I imagine the update of such would be discretionary.

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USDA COA or COCs requirements SQF - CoAs and CoCs

At my current company, we ask for letters of guarantee and all of our other documents from packaging suppliers every three years.  Having some timeframe specified seems to satisfy most auditors, goes to help prove you're monitoring the program as well.

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We ask annually---if the vendor offers an LOG instead stating nothing has changed, that is sufficient and noted in the registry

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We are a paperboard packaging manufacturer. Two of our major customers, nationally known and one of the largest retailers and chain restaurant, ask for our SQF certification annually along with compliance documents (Spec's, FDA compliance statement or LOG, PFAS, etc.) every three years.

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Good Morning - Just chiming in for what we do. We ask for LOG and Audit Certificate each year. We ask for updated spec sheets whenever there is a change. 

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