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Does the facility need a hard copy of the BRCGS Issue 9 standard for the audit?

Started by , Apr 20 2023 06:12 PM
9 Replies

Hello all,


At the time of the audit, will the auditor will check whether the facility has a hard copy of the new BRCGS 9  edition.

I have the new edition as a soft copy on a shared drive that is accessible to all the management team members but not for all the employees.


Edition 8 we were having as a hardcopy that was accessible for all the employees.



Please let me know your suggestions on whether to have a hard copy printed for the new edition.

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is that an element requirement or an auditor preference?  What does your written program say?

The written policy says to have a printed copy. Last year adult auditor specifically asked whether we have a hard copy of the BRCGS.

Hello all,


At the time of the audit, will the auditor will check whether the facility has a hard copy of the new BRCGS 9  edition.

I have the new edition as a soft copy on a shared drive that is accessible to all the management team members but not for all the employees.


Edition 8 we were having as a hardcopy that was accessible for all the employees.



Please let me know your suggestions on whether to have a hard copy printed for the new edition.

brc9.PNG   11.8KB   1 downloads


Text looks identical to BRC8.

Unless something has radically changed with BRC9 an electronic version should be sufficient.

1 Thank
I won't be printing mine.
Enough wasted paper as it is.

1.1.9   The site shall have a genuine, original hard copy or electronic version of the current............

As stated above by kingstudruler1. But be sure that the copy on hand is the standard version. We showed the interpertation guideline standard first and the auditor was keen on informing us that we require the Regular standard. Which we had but i was a bit surprised it was such a topic.

1 Thank

So the auditor asked for a soft copy of the latest version right?

I just showed the electronic version

"Or" usually means "Or"  :smile:

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