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Organic Questions

Started by , Apr 19 2023 03:10 PM
1 Reply

Hello i have some specific questions about Organic and the commercial availabilty search.


I was wondering, if we currently purchased raw material after we did our commercial availability search and did not find product at the time and have left over stock, can we continue to produce with exiciting stock after a product becomes available organic let say 5 months down the road even though we would not know until we search again a year later???


I was looking for someone who may be well versed in this industry. I work in a flavor house if that helps.


We are currenlty Organic certified via QAI.


any contacts or help will be greatly appreciated

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I would reach out to your organic certifier. QAI likely has this process spelled out and would be able to inform you. But like you mention if you're only required to re-evaluate availability annually then the CB is implying they're ok that you aren't aware the immediate week that an organic version is available. But of course, the best practice is still to ask them. I have always had good experiences simply posing these sorts of questions to organic CBs. However, remember to make it clear that you're asking questions about things you're -thinking- about or -looking to do in the future-, rather than implying you've already done something and are now looking for approval. The Organic system typically requires pre-approval for just about everything you do.

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