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Employee communication to promote food safety and quality culture?

Started by , Apr 04 2023 12:30 PM
8 Replies
Hi everyone,

Just wondering (if this applies to your company) what sorts of things do you hang up on the employee communication board to promote food safety and quality culture? I hang up the survey questionnaire results but I'm looking for other ideas to help motivate the staff or just give them something to think about.


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Employee handbook and policies GMP Enforcement when employee has medical note for smart watch wearing Diabetic Employee needing Cell Phone on body Door between employee entrance and processing room Contents of an Employee Handbook

Put a Suggestion Box in a lunch room, and announce a reward (chocolate?) for food safety improvement suggestion.

Put a Suggestion Box in a lunch room, and announce a reward (chocolate?) for food safety improvement suggestion.

Thanks, that's a good idea!

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We initiated to appreciate the workmen who give food safety ideas by gathering all the workers who works at the work centre to brief the idea to all workmens. This will happen in the presence of QA/QC manager, mfg manager divisional supervisors etc.. And also letter of appreciation will be given to the employee with polarised photo on the spot as a token.
This is really working in the industry to buil right from me quality culture.

We have a catch me at my best


coworkers nominate someone who put food safety first --the person we select gets a gift card


I also post KPIs related to defects that employees can control

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Hi everyone,

Just wondering (if this applies to your company) what sorts of things do you hang up on the employee communication board to promote food safety and quality culture? I hang up the survey questionnaire results but I'm looking for other ideas to help motivate the staff or just give them something to think about.


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I think its better to have transparency about the quality and food safety incidents occurring at your plant. They should be learning something from the bulletin boards. When I worked at the plant, I took the top 3-5 events from each month for holds/ product losses, and complaints. It goes through the potential root cause for each, the amount of money that was loss and/or saved, and how the operators can escalate. 


Hold example: 

Thank you Line 1 Operator, John Doe, for escalating this finding during routine FS&Q checks. As a result we were able to save 3,800 units and minimized our product loss! 



Quantity: 5,000 units

Discarded: 1,200 units = - $6,000

Released: 3,800 units = +$19,000



Corrective Action: XXXXXXXXXXXXX



Consumer Complaint Example:

Show graphs complaints so everyone can see if they are improving in complaint categories


Focus on the Top 3 complaints


[If allowed by your organization, include some of the complaints on the board, so they can read what consumers are saying about the product they are producing] 


How can you help? 

  • Inform your employees where these complaints are occurring and why, ask for their help to reduce by escalating these issues and doing XYZ. 

For improvements/reduction in complaints per quarter you can do something small to celebrate to show appreciation of their hard work. 

I think its better to have transparency about the quality and food safety incidents occurring at your plant. They should be learning something from the bulletin boards. When I worked at the plant, I took the top 3-5 events from each month for holds/ product losses, and complaints. It goes through the potential root cause for each, the amount of money that was loss and/or saved, and how the operators can escalate.

Hold example:
Thank you Line 1 Operator, John Doe, for escalating this finding during routine FS&Q checks. As a result we were able to save 3,800 units and minimized our product loss!

Quantity: 5,000 units
Discarded: 1,200 units = - $6,000
Released: 3,800 units = +$19,000

Corrective Action: XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Consumer Complaint Example:
Show graphs complaints so everyone can see if they are improving in complaint categories

Focus on the Top 3 complaints

[If allowed by your organization, include some of the complaints on the board, so they can read what consumers are saying about the product they are producing]

How can you help?
  • Inform your employees where these complaints are occurring and why, ask for their help to reduce by escalating these issues and doing XYZ.
For improvements/reduction in complaints per quarter you can do something small to celebrate to show appreciation of their hard work.
Love it! ! Thank you very much I will definitely do something like this

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As I stated in another post, Put up large TV monitors in common areas and run slides with the information you want sent out. We've found that if it's on a TV screen, within a few hours everyone in the company knows it and starts asking questions. Coincidence? I think NOT! If it's on a screen they'll see it.

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Hi everyone,

Just wondering (if this applies to your company) what sorts of things do you hang up on the employee communication board to promote food safety and quality culture? I hang up the survey questionnaire results but I'm looking for other ideas to help motivate the staff or just give them something to think about.


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I really recommend having a read of PAS320.  (It's a free download.)  https://www.bsigroup...ndards/pas-320/


This is going to sound REALLY stupid but while I've been working on food safety culture plans for years, there is one little twist in this PAS which has made me rethink EVERYTHING.


The document is a little dry but stick with it because it has a special nugget of information in there (spoilers below!)   :giggle:


Actually work out what behaviour you want to change... then work out the antecedent to that behaviour, i.e. the causal factors, the environmental factors, the leadership presence etc.  


Why is this important for FS&QC?  Well it's bloody everything isn't it?  Rather than paying lip service to culture, this is about actually changing it and making sure we do more than just tick a GFSI box.  


As soon as I read that section on ABC (antecedent, behaviour, consequences), loads of idea lightbulbs went off in my head.  So for example, people cut corners on procedures where I work right now, all the bloody time.  Part of the reason for this is, quite often, the procedures are not practical.  No operator has been involved in their creation so we didn't get that feedback.  So we're going to involve operators in the creation.  They get the chance to feedback but they also partly own that procedure.  

Next example is that people have a high tendency to break food safety rules because of lack of consequences.  So now, where there was a genuine wilful lack of adherence not due to impracticality, we are disciplining.  But also conversely, we are ramping up reward and recognition for good behaviours.  


My last example is we sometimes prioritise delivery over food safety or quality.  What we've identified is that we talk about delivery in short interval control meetings but we don't always talk about quality and food safety.  Now that's going to change so it gets a voice in every meeting where we talk about performance and it's operations people talking about it not just quality and food safety.


So my rather long winded answer is maybe if you look at what's going wrong in your site, something on the notice board isn't the answer.  I'm not saying that you shouldn't also have a communication plan (which was in the PAS as well) but it's not necessarily going to be as impactful as really thinking "what do I want to change?" and addressing your culture plan in a targeted way to make that change.  ALSO if you think about it with the three actions above, what I will probably then do is publicise what we're changing.  E.g. show an example of an SOP with operator input and photo of the team who took part.  Share reward and recognition for things done well.  Share how the short interval control meetings have changed and feedback from participants...  Now to my mind that is then a really impactful communication board showing change that doesn't just stop there...

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