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Microbes in Coconut Water

Started by , Mar 28 2023 09:39 AM
3 Replies

Dear Team,

                  Any one confirm.


Bacillus cereus & Clostridium spoil the Coconut Water.


If any reference available related this topic kindly share the same

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Both bacteria you mentioned are not considered spoilage organisms. However, if you meant that could Bacillus cereus & Clostridium be present in coconut water? Yes, it is possible. Poor hygienic processing (dirty surfaces, dirty equipment, poor personal hygiene, incorrect pasteurization and/or sterilization of packaging... can lead to contaminated end product. 

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Thank you sir.


Normally Coconut water is sterile. 


Is there any possibility of those microbes contamination without cut or damage the coconut shell?

Absolutely, a coconut shell and meat are a porous media


If there was any damage to the exterior, even microscopic in size, the microbes will migrate to the coconut water

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