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Declaration or allergens

Started by , Jan 18 2023 07:38 PM
6 Replies

Good afternoon ,

I have a question regarding the declaration of allergens :

Actually we produce products with wheat , sulfites and milk derivates and these are declared in our products .

But we also sent these products in a clear packages for restaurants .The allergens need to be declared also in these packages no matter we are not selling directly to the consumers? can we just include the allergens in the box of the product or need to be in each product no matter have our brand or not..?

thanks in advance for your support ..


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As a former chef I van tell you that we would refuse any product that came in that did not contain the allergen/sensitizing information not only on the outer box but also on each interior package because boxrs were emptied at the dock and packaged items were placed into our own containers.

Granted as we progressed we finally got all specs on a computer program but having the info right on the package was the bedt for us when our guests asked about allergens, ingredients etc and if the computer was down we could immediately check the individual wrapper.
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In the U.S., foods going into restaurants need to have some labeling information on them.  This includes product name, net contents, ingredients/allergens, and responsible company information.  (Other things can apply too depending on the food, e.g., country of origin, etc.).  I am assuming that your product is double packaged - clear packages on the inside and then a carton on the outside holding multiple products?  This minimal labeling information can be on each of the individual packages inside of the carton or on the carton itself.

If the product in the clear packages is actually going to the restaurant customer in this same package, they would actually be considered as "retail" foods and would need full labeling on the clear package.  In addition to the above mentioned elements, they would need nutrition too unless otherwise exempt.  If all of those clear packages were fully labeled, then the outer carton is considered a shipping container.

So in the U.S., you do need to have the allergens on foods going into restaurants.

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In the U.S., foods going into restaurants need to have some labeling information on them.  This includes product name, net contents, ingredients/allergens, and responsible company information.  (Other things can apply too depending on the food, e.g., country of origin, etc.).  I am assuming that your product is double packaged - clear packages on the inside and then a carton on the outside holding multiple products?  This minimal labeling information can be on each of the individual packages inside of the carton or on the carton itself.

If the product in the clear packages is actually going to the restaurant customer in this same package, they would actually be considered as "retail" foods and would need full labeling on the clear package.  In addition to the above mentioned elements, they would need nutrition too unless otherwise exempt.  If all of those clear packages were fully labeled, then the outer carton is considered a shipping container.

So in the U.S., you do need to have the allergens on foods going into restaurants.

Restaurants are considered food service.

Allergens nor anything else is required on the inside packaging. Only on the outer box. No nutritional panel either.

Now if the restaurant would sell the item intact to the customer - then that would be 'retail' and have different regulations.

Like Glen said - food service customers could refuse to buy the item if it didn't have the info on it.

Thank you everyone , we produce tortillas (flour and corn) in boxes and trays  direct to stores ( everything is according to fda regulations) and some of our products are sent to our customers (*restaurants) but their products are packed in clear bags with the expiration date of each product as per the std pack and and identified with a travel tag per pallet (boxes are identified with the type of product ) but since we sent to restaurants some of the products are sent in trays distributed by our sales persons . and this is my concern : if we need to identified every product no matter is sent to restaurants or not  with the allergens , the allergens used are wheat and sulfites..I know the restaurants handling signs in all the food that they make .. thanks everyone..

Food service customers often will refuse to buy items without ingredient and allergen labelling on individual packages.

I would recommend labelling individual packs in addition to the outside box.


You don't want one of their customers dying from anaphalactic shock because they lacked the info, because they were unpacked from the box.

thank you everyone ! Appreciated all the feedback!


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