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Label Verification Procedure

Started by , Jan 14 2023 08:29 AM
2 Replies
Hi everyone!
We have a new requirement for a label verification programme to introduce into our coconut based product company.
One of major reason is to avoid mislabeling of the allergen containing product with non-allergen product labels.
But actually we are not producing any allergen based products. Even though the regulation required the allergen control to be addressed in the label verification procedure.
So I have created a procedure & attached to this. 
If anybody can check it and comment whether is it fine to proceed is highly appreciated!


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Just an FYI for some reason the USA FDA considers coconuts as a tree nut and requires labeling / control.  



I quickly reviewed your procedure and forms.  I think it's pretty good.  the forms seem pretty thorough.  


1.  I think I would add more detail as to how the label is designed (4.1).  More than just "applicable standards". 


2.  in 4.6 perhaps add that the verification occurs each time a new roll of labels is put on the line.  Maybe even a reconsolidation of the number of labels brought to the line vs the number  at the end of run vs packages produced.  


3.  perhaps add how lines are cleared of labels after production run.  


4.  perhaps add how to handle obsolete / old labels.  


5.   perhaps add an annual review labels.  


6.  4.5 how do you know which label goes to which product?   is it on a bill of materials or spec sheet with item number or barcode number, etc?   it may not be an issue at your facility, but some places may produce very similar products with similar or same names, but different ingredients, claims, etc


7.  in general, I might add more detail.   For example, in several places it states that the label is "reviewed" how is that done? compared to standard? etc.   what form is used where?

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Hi kingstudruler1 !


Thank you very much for your detailed review on the documents & for valuable feedback on the details!

I will really consider these & will arrange a revision of the documents.


Thanks again for kind guidance!   

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