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Costco Unannounced Audit Buyer Requirement

Started by , Dec 24 2022 03:33 PM
14 Replies

Did everyone see the new buyer requirement for Costco?  GMP unannounced audits (and there is talk it will go toward GAP, too). 


GMP Audits are required to be unannounced. The audit must be conducted within a 90-day audit window from the date of the previous audit (45 days before/after audit anniversary date).

Audit companies will contact suppliers to schedule audits within the specified timeframe. During the scheduling process, the audit company will ask the site to provide blackout dates (if any). A blackout date is a period of time in which the site will not be operational or producing Costco product or like product.

Blackout dates are strictly limited to non-production days and will not be granted for any other reason. Unless blackout dates are provided by the site, all days within the 90- day audit window will be considered “audit ready” dates. If a site is not operational on an audit ready-date, the audit must be rescheduled within the original 90 day window at the supplier’s expense.

It is advisable to check with your audit company regarding their cancellation policy and associated fees. The majority of Costco GMP audits can be completed in a single audit day, though certain audits may require a second day due to the size, complexity, and readiness of a facility.

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Hi Erin, welcome to the forum! Thanks for the updates. Is that only for the NEW suppliers of Costco? Could you please attach the corresponding document stating the requirements you've mentioned? I have this one (attached), but I didn't find any reference to that.

Attached Files

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Olenzah, what you have attached is the full GFSI audit requirements and does say the following


● All audits must be unannounced. The only exception is for the Costco Small Supplier audit

I'm going to check our most recent copy as well

1 Thank

Olenzah, what you have attached is the full GFSI audit requirements and does say the following


● All audits must be unannounced. The only exception is for the Costco Small Supplier audit

I'm going to check our most recent copy as well

All Costco audits we've been having (so far, about 7 or so) were announced, along with our GFSI audit (Costco Addendum it's called). May be, we're exception?

All Costco audits we've been having (so far, about 7 or so) were announced, along with our GFSI audit (Costco Addendum it's called). May be, we're exception?

It looks like it goes into affect in april 2023 - unless the old version said the same thing.    I have not supplied costco for several years, so im a little out of the loop.   

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Costco has not required anything of us past the GFSI (BRCGS) Addendum to this point. This includes the unannounced BRCGS audits.



It looks like it goes into affect in april 2023 - unless the old version said the same thing.    I have not supplied costco for several years, so im a little out of the loop.   


It's in the previous version as well....................it has not applied to us either outside of the SQF requirement for unannounced 

This is applicable to new and existing suppliers and for any audits scheduled after April 2 2023. The unannounced audits will follow the GFSI scheme requirements

Goes into effect after April 30, 2023.  BUT....if you have a GFSI or Costco audit already scheduled for 2023 it will be announced.  I spoke with someone in Costco auditing group to get more specifics.


Also, if you choose to change your GFSI audit to unannounced every year that will be acceptable to Costco and Costco will accept the unannounced window from the GFSI scheme, usually 60 days.

1 Thank

Ryan M..............curious as this was already part of the costco food safety audit expectations............so nothing has really changed




It's in the previous version as well....................it has not applied to us either outside of the SQF requirement for unannounced 

Yes, unannounced is in the previous version, but was based on Supplier risk.  I think Costco required it with certain food groups that used their Brand (Kirkland).  I've been at companies supplying Costco for more than a decade and never had an unannounced Costco audit.  All the products we made for Costco were low risk and a private brand, NON Kirkland.


The change is now ALL suppliers to Costco must do unannounced audits.  You can couple it with your GFSI audit, but that'll have to be unannounced.


Ryan M..............curious as this was already part of the costco food safety audit expectations............so nothing has really changed




It's in the previous version as well....................it has not applied to us either outside of the SQF requirement for unannounced 

I'm still going to suggest that manufacturers follow up with their CB


We have 6 different locations, all produce Kirkland brand as well as our own brand for Costco---have not been told anything, and our next facility audit is in July

I'm still going to suggest that manufacturers follow up with their CB

We have 6 different locations, all produce Kirkland brand as well as our own brand for Costco---have not been told anything, and our next facility audit is in July

That’s fine, but it sounds like a passive approach….just because you haven’t heard anything doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened or something has not changed. Up toy you though.

Costco FS department is really there to help suppliers and they appreciate the contact.

But up to each company and company representative to determine any next course of actions.

Go to the link below. That’s all of Costcos food safety files (direct from Costco). It includes their FS audit requirements / standard and checklists they use.


Ryan, we were sent the new code directly from Costco in November (with the April effective date)


Maybe it's a Canada/US thing but our CB always notifys us of changes


And since the requirement for unannounced is NOT new, I'm not putting a lot of stock in this


As a side note; our Costco audit wasn't even an addendum this year, Costco just takes the SQF as is

Ryan, we were sent the new code directly from Costco in November (with the April effective date)


Maybe it's a Canada/US thing but our CB always notifys us of changes


And since the requirement for unannounced is NOT new, I'm not putting a lot of stock in this


As a side note; our Costco audit wasn't even an addendum this year, Costco just takes the SQF as is


Correct, there is no more Costco addendum as part of SQF audit.  Unsure of the "Canada/US" thing since the new Costco requirements do not specify any differences between US and Canada.  However, your company may be considered Small Business for Costco which is an exception for unannounced audits.  Either way, I hope your sales folks are aware of all this and do not get the rug pulled out from under them.  Your certification body doesn't help you, or rather, can't help you if/when it comes to losing Costco business....as such, I wouldn't rely on them.  But that's me...up to you.

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