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Is Unscented Hand Moisturizer Allowed Underneath Gloves?

Started by , Dec 15 2022 09:03 PM
4 Replies



Due to several factors (flu season, dry winter, GMPs) our production team members have been complaining about dry and cracked hands. Based on other threads, I was able to narrow down our options and the team is leaning towards using unscented lotion underneath gloves, although are unsure of whether this is allowed. 


From the NSF Non-Food Compound Listings, the registered hand creams have the statement: "This product is acceptable for use as a hand cream, lotion or cleaner (E4) in nonprocessing areas. The use of such products is limited to toilets, dressing rooms and other nonprocessing areas. Employees who handle edible products may use such compounds only when leaving the plant."


We are unsure of whether the employees handling edible products are able to use moisturizers underneath their gloves. They do not directly touch the food with their gloves.


My initial instinct would be to say no, but I wanted to make sure first.


Any advice would be great. Thank you!

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The short answer would be NO.

With that said I would suggest looking at a non alcholol based hand sanitizer that has a moisturizer as a component.

Then put the gloves on and your employees will be happy while still being in compliance.
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The short answer would be NO.

With that said I would suggest looking at a non alcholol based hand sanitizer that has a moisturizer as a component.

Then put the gloves on and your employees will be happy while still being in compliance.

Hi Glenn,


Thanks so much for your quick response. Do you happen to know where in the regulations this can be found? 


I haven't been able to find anything, although my instinct is that it is just a bad idea but I've been getting quite a bit of pushback.


Thank you!

I would say to this also.  Your employees will be touching the gloves that they use to handle the food and will transfer non-food safe moisturiser to the product they handle.


There is a product called Dermashield that I have allowed food handlers to use in the past which is food safe - don't know if it's available in the US but it might be worth looking it up or alternatively searching for "food grade hand moisturiser".


Hope this helps.

We use this under gloves



It has never been questioned by CFIA or SQF auditors.  The dispenser is right by the hand sinks for all to see 

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