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Machines Operation Manual

Started by , Dec 12 2022 08:46 AM
2 Replies

Hi all, 


Is it mandatory to documented machines operation manual such as machines start up, troubleshot etc, in Food Safety Manual? 

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Greetings Carine,


The answer is yes and no. Meaning you don't have to record the start up or troubleshoot, unless they are connected to some kind of OPRP or CCP or maybe CP even.

An example of that is a production line with a metal detector. You don't have to record the start up of all the machinery in the line but you do have to record the checking of the metal detector with the test metals to confirm it works properly upon start-up and if it didn't work the troubleshooting is actually what you describe in the correction/corrective actions.

Also, indirectly when you do some maintenance you do record it in the maintenance log and the appropriate follow-up cleaning before it restarts.



I've always tried to have startup/shutdown documented for all equipment related to food processing, but especially so for any equipment related to food safety/CCP's.  I wrote condensed versions of the procedures that could be read and followed by employees, documenting only the steps necessary for our employees to follow.  I did not include full manuals (because standard line employees don't need all of the engineering and technical information).  I got dinged too many times in the training expectations of auditors by not having at least simple procedures for operations outlined with recorded trainings.  Included in my procedures was how to handle malfunctions, typically a "If machine does not operate as expected, shutdown and notify your supervisor and maintenance."

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