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FDA Warning Letter Evaluation and Response

Started by , Dec 02 2022 02:06 PM
7 Replies

Hi Everybody


Do anyone have experience charging: FDA Warning Letter Evaluation and Responses

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Hi Everybody
Do anyone have experience charging: FDA Warning Letter Evaluation and Responses

I think there we'd need some more information in order to be helpful. What type of facility?
Do you want to Charge or Change the Letter?
What were the FDA findings, did you receive a Form 483?

Hi Setanta

Facility for Now are Food and Beverage Industry. 


Yes, I want to charge the letters and meetings with the FDA.


The companies have received 483’s and Warning Letters.


Findings are related with FSMA, Example: 21CFR117, 21CFR1 part L (FSVP), Mislabeling among others.


Our focus is Preventing and resolving compliance issues: We offer a diverse services:


Document Preparation/Reviews.

Developing effective systems to comply with the industry requirements.

Reviewing product labeling for regulatory compliance.

Providing technical writing for protocols, reports, specifications, policies, and procedures.

Compliance Problem Resolution.

Responding to an FDA 483 inspection.

Responding to an FDA Warning Letter.

Meeting with the FDA to resolve disputes if were necessary.

Implementing corrective and preventive action (CAPA) programs-including development, execution, and monitoring.


 Audits and Reviews.

oacosta------are you asking for help or are you selling your services?

You want to know what to charge for your consulting service?




What is your time worth?   it's up to you.    


since you used 483(S) and letter(s) in the plural, it sounds like a huge mess.    Good luck.   



I am asking for help.


Do anyone have experience charging: FDA Warning Letter Evaluation and Responses

Thank you kingstudruler1


The place is really a mess.

Hi Oscar,


I'm not a Consultant but It seems  "Big Mess" likely involves all your detailed  "diverse Services" so counts as a "Project". eg -




But also note the caveat in the fpllowing Post (12).

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