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Shelf Life of Primary Packaging

Started by , Nov 22 2022 02:26 PM
9 Replies



I receive the primary packaging which is glass bottles and the caps but both have no manufacturering date and expiry date.  The supplier said they wouldn't apply an expiry date.  Should they be assigned it's shelf life?  If they insist not providing the date of expiry, can I set to 2 years from the date of delivery? 


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Interesting topic: I've never seen expiry date on our packaging which is plastic bottles, cups, pails, lids, etc. Just wondering if any of our members experienced their packaging being expired.

Interesting topic: I've never seen expiry date on our packaging which is plastic bottles, cups, pails, lids, etc. Just wondering if any of our members experienced their packaging being expired.


The reason for this question is we do come across a supplier in which their product labelled date for both manufacturing and expired.  However, we want to seek for another supplier to provide the type of bottle based on our customers' need.

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Interesting topic: I've never seen expiry date on our packaging which is plastic bottles, cups, pails, lids, etc. Just wondering if any of our members experienced their packaging being expired.


In most cases no.  Most packaging material is relatively chemically inert, and stored in clean climate controlled conditions it will get discontinued for outdated artwork before it would expire.  The one exception I can think of is a flexible pouch film that has an integrated oxygen absorber layer --  it's reactive, so it has a relatively short life on the roll.


For the OP I wouldn't expect glass bottles to have a shelf life.  Glass is stable enough to last longer than any human civilization.  The caps, maybe, if they have a plastic/rubber ring or film to aid sealing.

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I'm not a Packaging person but as I remember the topic of shelf life of some specific plastic packaging materials, eg LDPE, has been queried/discussed previously here on a few occasions. IIRC it is also included in standard texts on Food Packaging and some commercial Packaging Specifications., eg 2 years, However  relevant validatory data for such claims proved mostly elusive when previously investigated, ie how to quantitate "shelf life".

Hi everyone, packaging QA here! In our plant We do validation of shelf life declaration thru accelerated shelf life testing. We observe physical, Functional Integrity and food safety from there we can assess validated shelf life.


Best Regards



I would ask for DofC, normally it would state the shelf-life there.

Hi everyone, packaging QA here! In our plant We do validation of shelf life declaration thru accelerated shelf life testing. We observe physical, Functional Integrity and food safety from there we can assess validated shelf life.


Best Regards



Hi Diana,


Thanks yr input.


Can you post a reference / worked example ?.


This option is well-known for foods of course but I have never seen the theory or the practice applied to plastic, etc.

Shelf life of plastic films is an interesting topic.  In my experience, it is not that there is a definitive shelf life of the film, it is that after a certain time and under certain storage conditions, some of the film's properties may dwindle over time.

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Hi all,


normally the supplier shall define the shelf life of the packaging. Normally and according to my experience, the shelf life is around one year.

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