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Labeling of inedible cheese rind

Started by , Nov 17 2022 06:32 PM
6 Replies

Is it required to list the ingredients of an inedible rind in the ingredient statement of a cheese product? Or, is it sufficient to list "inedible rind" at the end of the ingredient statement? The rind contains colorings and preservatives.


Thanks in advance for any advice!

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Giving this a bump, because I do not know the answer.

Any Cheese Makers out there ready to help?

Sorry about off-topic question: why does a ring contain preservatives? And what kind of colors and preservatives does it have: edible or inedible?

The preservatives are for protection from external contamination (yeast, mold, etc.). The colors are for aesthetic purposes. The ones being used are permitted for use in foods.

1 Thank

I could not find anything on the USDA site 


My gut tells me that as long as it cannot be reasonably mistaken for a food, you should not have to list the ingredients


I googled babybell cheese (as an example) zero mention of the wax coating on each piece--under USDA for cheese, wax is classified as a rind as for as I could tell



1 Thank

I am not from the USA but I did cheese QA in another life.
In the EU you do not declare the ingredients for the inedible rinds. You do have to make a statement that the rind should be removed before consumption.


I would think that the same applies for the US. Especially after Scampi's check on babybell.

Never manufactured cheese, but I agree with Marloes.  I wouldn't bother with it as an ingredient, but I would add a disclaimer on the package to remove from rind before consuming (because someday, someone will eat the darned thing and claim you never told them not to).

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