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Example of risk assessment for ingredients

Started by , Nov 15 2022 04:56 PM
3 Replies

Hi! I am working on my approved supplier program. Wondering if anyone has an example of a risk assessment for an ingredient? Not sure where to start or how to set up (format), or write this for my ingredients.


Inspected by FDA and working towards a third party audit by NSF.


Thanks so much!

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A risk assessment for one ingredient, or a hazard analysis for all ingredients?   Here's what my HA for all looks like:




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A risk assessment for one ingredient, or a hazard analysis for all ingredients?   Here's what my HA for all looks like:

Thanks so much!


Is this all I need as far as risk assessments go? Or do I need to go more in depth outside of my hazard analysis as well?


I have my hazard analysis for my ingredients but was wondering if I needed more.

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Besides your typical Biological, Chemical (including allergens) and Physical hazards, you could also consider country of origin, supplier history, history of fraud/adulteration/substitution, yearly quantity of materials purchased, nature of the material, frequency that you test incoming materials, etc.


If you want to satisfy FDA, use their Guidance for Industry here: https://www.fda.gov/.../99581/download




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