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Is it necessary to add a protective film to tempered glass in the plant?

Started by , Sep 26 2022 02:33 PM
6 Replies

Hi everyone, 

all the windows in our production site are made of tempered glass.


within the scope of HACCP implementation and covers the CFIA’s FSEP requirements, our consultant is asking to apply a protective film on the windows.


Is this necessary when the glasses are tempered?


thank you for your feedbacks!

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Tempered just means they require a harder hit/impact to break, but when it does it's like corell dishes....1000s of pieces


The film will keep the pieces together if/when it does break so you don't have a shower of glass absolutely everywhere

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We tinted ours.   Counted as a protective film, and brought the temp down in the facility.   Everyone wins.

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Good call by your consultant.

Your glass must be shatterproof, tempered is nice but it is not shatterproof - applying a film is a good way to contain the zillion pieces of tempered glass when it does take a direct hit.

I would suggest using a high quality film that is installed by a professional installer because if you leave any area of that glass un filmed and it does shatter it will find the path of least resistance and you'll have shards of glass spraying out of these areas like a rocket.

Yes, that is from personal experience frim watching a poorly filmed tempered glass panel take a direct and forceful hit from a forklift and watch glass pellets spraying out frim several flaw areas... 20,000 pounds of nab dough had to be dumped.
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I'll pile on to recommend the film as well.  Tempered glass is safer for employees due to it's shatter properties: it's designed to make many smaller fragments with fewer sharp edges when broken, but from the food safety standpoint it's worse in that it makes more smaller fragments.


Covering it in a sticky film doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive.  For my first ever SQF audit, I used a semi-transparent Con-Tact brand film on all windows near production.  Auditor liked that it was visible, and simple contact film was plenty sufficient to contain shards if broken.  If you go with a totally clear film of some type, a good tip is to put a visible sticker on the window first and cover it with the film.  Some auditors have difficulty seeing a film that's too clean and having a visible sticker of some kind under it helps prove the film exists.  I did this sticker trick with clear film on our plastic fluorescent light covers in the ceiling and have had an auditor ask to be lifted on a scissor lift to verify there actually was a film over those light covers.

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There is one other factor to consider, if you are going through the trouble of putting a film on exterior window you may want to think about using a yellow tinted film. The yellow film will help with pest control since normal light will attract flying insects to these large windows, especially if it is a 24 hour facility.

Is it also necessary to install a protective film for acrylic in the production area

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