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SQF 9.4.2 - Animal Husbandry

Started by , Sep 15 2022 03:19 PM
1 Reply

Hello - we are working towards SQF certification at our swine slaughter facility.  How is the best way to answer proving heavy metals, pesticides or veterinary medicines have not been given or if the animal has been exposed from the producers/farm level?  We currently have affidavits that are sent with some of our hogs but not all.  I would imagine a simple statement be added to the affidavit for each producer to check off that these requirements are met.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm shocked that you are not required to have a Vet certificate with each animal


I would be demanding to be provided with a list of medications and withdrawal periods observed for each hog


As for heavy metals and pesticides, if the USDA is not taking muscle, liver and fat samples, then you should be


Under the USDA word "adulterated" sending hogs that you are not sure about into the marketplace would be considered selling adulterated products


Are you intrastate or interstate?

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