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Hygienic zoning

Started by , Sep 12 2022 09:23 AM
2 Replies

Can someone assist me with a template to use for a risk assessment to confirm that the barrier between the low risk and high risk area is sufficient to overcome the identified microbiological  hazards.


brief background: we manufacture RTRH food products, we have a low risk area (batching and cooking in pots) and the high risk area for receiving cooked product, cooling and packing. the two areas are separated by a barrier, customer would like us to have a barrier from roof to floor but this is not practical due to the pots at the barrier which make it easier for emptying cooked product into high risk area.

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Hi Natasha,

I think you are talking risks that come from taking your still hot cooked (''low care'') product into your high care area.
So that it can cool down and ''become'' high care.


Are you taking the pots into the high care zone by hand/cart? 
Or are you ''emptying'' it over your barrier into the high care zone?

Does your high care area have over pressure?
Is there any potential unsanitary material/people (incl feet, weels, ladels, pans etc.) going from low care to high care?
Have you validated the temperature of the product going into the high care?

Can someone assist me with a template to use for a risk assessment to confirm that the barrier between the low risk and high risk area is sufficient to overcome the identified microbiological  hazards.


brief background: we manufacture RTRH food products, we have a low risk area (batching and cooking in pots) and the high risk area for receiving cooked product, cooling and packing. the two areas are separated by a barrier, customer would like us to have a barrier from roof to floor but this is not practical due to the pots at the barrier which make it easier for emptying cooked product into high risk area.


Can someone assist me with a template to use for a risk assessment to confirm that the barrier between the low risk and high risk area is sufficient to overcome the identified microbiological  hazards.


brief background: we manufacture RTRH food products, we have a low risk area (batching and cooking in pots) and the high risk area for receiving cooked product, cooling and packing. the two areas are separated by a barrier, customer would like us to have a barrier from roof to floor but this is not practical due to the pots at the barrier which make it easier for emptying cooked product into high risk area.


Hi Natasha,


The specific requirements may relate to your to-be-audited Standard (if any).


As indicated previous Post, you need to be able to show that there is no possibility of product contamination from low to high risk areas, including packing/freezing. This involves process, equipment, personnel, environment.

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