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Microbiological limits for uniform and protective clothing swabs

Started by , Aug 17 2022 08:13 AM
1 Reply

Hi, IFSQNians,


Can anyone please share, what are the indicator microbes & their relevant limit(s) that we should target when planning for swabbing/ verification of our uniform/ outer clothing for our very own in-house laundry program? S. aureus? TVC? Yeast and mould? What are the allowable limit? 



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Hi, IFSQNians,


Can anyone please share, what are the indicator microbes & their relevant limit(s) that we should target when planning for swabbing/ verification of our uniform/ outer clothing for our very own in-house laundry program? S. aureus? TVC? Yeast and mould? What are the allowable limit? 



Hi Jason,


There are many threads on this forum relating to "laundries").


Can try this link, especially attachments 02 and 03 -




(it may also obviously relate to yr own laundry procedure)

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