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Romaine Ecoli concerns again

Started by , Jul 29 2022 03:54 PM
1 Reply

Expect more of this as the water level goes down and the levels of contamination are condensed  

Canada Restricts U.S. Romaine Lettuce Imports, Cites E. coli Concerns | Food Safety (food-safety.com)

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This is a significant restriction; the Salinas Valley in California is where a huge portion of the leafy greens in the US come from. In the winter seasons, harvesting switches over to Arizona. Looks like the best way around the restrictions will be to provide CoAs to prove the absence of O157:H7. Testing labs in the valley must be working overtime right now! I wonder if conditions in the growing regions near the Colorado river are the same. If so, the winter harvest could be a repeat of these same issues.

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