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Pasteurization parameters for non-dairy whipping cream

Started by , Jul 29 2022 11:34 AM
4 Replies



Seeking some expert support here. We are a dessert manufacturing and in process of adding whipping cream line. Could anyone suggest what should the pasteurization parameters should be? 



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I am not a micro-expert.
But pasteurisation is about achieving a 6-log reduction of micro-organism.
Which can be determined by the D-value and could be different of different micro-organism.

There is a whole lot of data available.


But it basically boils down to certain time and temperature combinations.

The website of the international dairy foods association  has a nice overview:

Pasteurization - IDFA

For matters of thermal processing and pasteurization, I would suggest reaching out to a process authority (PA). Their services can be expensive, but the costs are well worth the peace of mind that a process is safe and effective.

For matters of thermal processing and pasteurization, I would suggest reaching out to a process authority (PA). Their services can be expensive, but the costs are well worth the peace of mind that a process is safe and effective.

Exactly my thoughts.  Reach out to the PA for validation because the PMO is geared to dairy products.  Your non-dairy product pasteurization process needs to be validated.

You may also add what type of technology you used. Batch type or continuous type. Each one may provide you different temp and time combination as these combinations are based on what is the technology of your line and raw materials profile you used. Agree on the post above to reach out to PA as there may be same product as yours but the technology of the line will changed your parameteres.

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