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Unannounced SQF Audit in 2022 - do you receive any notification?

Started by , Jul 25 2022 06:28 PM
7 Replies

We are scheduled for an Unannounced SQF audit coming up. Wondering if anyone has received any kind of notification for the audit. This will be my first unannounced audit with the company. 


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Hi Gillis902, welcome to the forum. We've just recently had a similar topic: https://www.ifsqn.co...eduleing-audit/

Your certification body should provide you with a 60-day window.

Your CB should know your certification schedule and automatically inform you it is time for an unannounced audit and schedule it giving you the date window.

They give you a 60 day audit window. They can show up anytime within that window. The only times they aren't allowed to show up are the black out dates that you have sent them. Any other days in that 60 day window are fair game. 

Hi Gillis902, like mentioned on previous posts you have a 60 day audit window. We had our audit last year and had no clue which day was going to be. Ended up being a Monday on day 40 from the first day of the audit window.


Good luck!

We were fortunate. Our auditor looked at the schedule for this year and our audit was already scheduled. He was able to tell us the date of our unannounced audit. Hahaha

We were fortunate. Our auditor looked at the schedule for this year and our audit was already scheduled. He was able to tell us the date of our unannounced audit. Hahaha

Hey, you're lucky! Our auditor showed up at the door on the "blackened out" day, when I was at my other client's - though, the audit went completely well:)

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