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Customer Complaints Vs Non Conformances

Started by , Jul 25 2022 10:24 AM
3 Replies



I am looking for a second opinion please


I have moved from QA at a pharmaceutical wholesaler to QA at a industrial gas company looking to supply the food market. 


They current put all issues onto a Non conformance log, everything from pricing errors to contaminated gas.


I would prefer to have a NC log for issues which affect product quality (leaking valves, contaminated gas, incorrect procedure being followed, stock being released without quality checks etc)  and a separate log for general complaints (priced incorrectly, input error, invoice error) those that don't affect the quality of the product, but affect the overall service. 


Both will be monitored and analysed in the quality review meetings. Trends will be monitored on both, I just don't want the Customer staff having to fill in a detailed Non conformance report for something such as a customer being overcharged by £3.


Would this be correct, or do all issues need to be logged as a NC ? 


Thank you
Luce :happydance:

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I agree and have done something similar in the past.  IMO keep the quality related complaints separate from general, accounting and customer service errors.

Greetings Luce,


Yes you can and it is advised in many cases to do so. This way you will have a first filtering on critical/non-critical NCs, cause let's face it an accounting error doesn't make the product unsafe.

Non-critical NCs can be simply logged and be discussed as you mentioned during review meetings to improve the general services.



Let the sales team handle all the general complaints (invoicing issues etc) as they are not your issue and IMHO should not be discussed at a QA meeting (unless of course it's actually your responsibility somehow)


all product issues should come to you to manage and report on

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