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Closing provincial permit after getting SFCR licence

Started by , Jul 20 2022 07:45 PM
1 Reply



we gt our SFCR lience last summer and now the provincial health inspector is asking for a copy of our license to close our provincial operating permit.

We were hoping to have one product line or inter-provincial trade and one for provincial only.

Is this possible and how do you go about it?


or is it easier to just have it all federally inspected. Seems complicated to deal with two inspection agencies.




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There is zero benefit to keeping your provincial license now that your have a SFCR


CFIA wouldn't really like it either--make a nightmare for your traceability program trying to prove what went out of province and what didn't and you'd probably have to recall it all in the event of a major issue


PLUS you can save the $$$  

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