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Recall Letter to Customer

Started by , Jul 11 2022 05:20 PM
12 Replies

I recently watched a webinar in which presenter recommended drafting a letter to send to customers in the event of a recall. This is to limit the amount of tasks needed to complete at the time of recall and speed the process. Has anyone done this exercise? If so would you mind sharing or highlighting main points covered in letter? 


Any and all help appreciated :) 

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Is it a real recall or exercise (mock recall, traceability exercise, etc.)? If real - you definitely must inform your customer(s) ASAP, if not - sending a letter, as to me, would be confusing. I recall (pardon my tautology) doing one of my recall exercises: I decided to call a customer as a part of the exercise, letting them know "I'm checking their phone numbers as I'm doing a mock recall". The only word they've heard was "recall", which scared them to death:) Never have I tried to do that again.

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I have a letter drafted that includes details on the recall ie. Product, lot numbers, ship dates, PO# and quantity etc. This only gets emailed after I have spoken with my contact to advise them what is happening.


During "mock recalls" I call the person and send an email to verify I have the correct contact information. In the email subject line it will say "MOCK RECAL DRILL - no current recalls" and ask them to reply with the date and time they received it.

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We had a draft letter. it was along the lines of:


Dear xx,

Company name are conducting a recall of xxxx, batch xxx.

Note the reason. 

Note the steps to be taken by them.

Note the contact for them if they have any questions.

Sign off.


In mock recalls I would complete the information in the letter but would not send it to the customer. 

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Maybe the presenter meant to say send the letter by email?

The letter would be a follow-up to your calling your key contaxt at each customer locatuon.

Many times these letters are highly detailed and are authored by owner/president/law firm.
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We have a letter format on file


WE DO NOT send it EVER to customers as they will miss the word MOCK everytime


We have the sales team verify random customer contact info during a mock recall and that is documented on a recall effectiveness review forum

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Our company has examples/drafts for a Press Release, Internal Communication Memo and a Letter to Customer as well as tips for Sales Teams members.  During mock events nothing is ever sent to a customer but the contact lists are reviewed and updated as needed.  Hello Fizz gave you some good tips of what to put in the letter.  


If you have insurance to cover such an event as a recall then contact the insurance company as they might be able to help with drafting an example of a letter to the customer and give you other tips of what you can pre-prepare for an event you hope to never happen,  One of our insurance reps actually gave us a webinar on recalls as well as tips on how prevent and how to best prepare.  It was good presentation.

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Our company has examples/drafts for a Press Release, Internal Communication Memo and a Letter to Customer as well as tips for Sales Teams members.  During mock events nothing is ever sent to a customer but the contact lists are reviewed and updated as needed.  Hello Fizz gave you some good tips of what to put in the letter.  


If you have insurance to cover such an event as a recall then contact the insurance company as they might be able to help with drafting an example of a letter to the customer and give you other tips of what you can pre-prepare for an event you hope to never happen,  One of our insurance reps actually gave us a webinar on recalls as well as tips on how prevent and how to best prepare.  It was good presentation.


Thanks so much for this I will be sure to reach out to our insurance company. Would you mind sharing the webinar link? 

I recently watched a webinar in which presenter recommended drafting a letter to send to customers in the event of a recall. This is to limit the amount of tasks needed to complete at the time of recall and speed the process. Has anyone done this exercise? If so would you mind sharing or highlighting main points covered in letter? 


Any and all help appreciated :) 


Hi mmn1994


I think the FDA provided a recall letter template a few years ago which we used as a guide to develop a "Recall Letter Template", we provide it in editable form in our "plus FSMA packages" such as the SQF (& FSMA) Implementation Package for Food Manufacturers - Edition 9


Here is a pdf copy, I think it covers what you are looking for:


FS 2.6.2A Recall Template.pdf   32.65KB   111 downloads


Kind regards,


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Thanks so much for this I will be sure to reach out to our insurance company. Would you mind sharing the webinar link? 

Hello mmn1994 - Unfortunately it was a webinar just within our company for our company personnel so I can not share the link.  I hope your insurance company will be able to help and the template Tony-C shared is a great help to get started on a mock letter.

FDA has recently posted guidance on recalls with a lot of detailed information. It includes templates for this as well. Check it out.
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Hopefully this helps, it is a template I quickly made and is what we use. We use the same format for the draft letter to our regulatory authorities in case of a recall. 



Attached Files

FDA has recently posted guidance on recalls with a lot of detailed information. It includes templates for this as well. Check it out.

That's what I use....

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