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Allergens Management - Shared Canteen and Changing Area

Started by , Jun 29 2022 02:19 PM
4 Replies



I was hoping someone could provide some clarity regarding a non conformance that we received - I would be most grateful!


This is what she (auditor) wrote regarding Allergens -  'Staff share changing and canteen facilities with another business and the implications of this has not been accounted for in the allergens risk assessment - account for the shared change and canteen facilities'

I've sat down to add this to the risk assessment and it sounds easy enough but then after much thought .. I am still at a loss as to how you can control this situation. How can you be sure that the persons sharing the locker room but working for a non food company don't have  a packet of KP nuts (for example) stashed in their locker for lunchtime and will be eating them in the same canteen? - for me that is a massive problem
I would be grateful for your comments anyway - can the situation really be managed!?
Kind Regards & Thanks
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If this is a legitimate concern for your facility, then you may need to make the facility nut free altogether


At the very least, you should include the employees of the other business' in your allergen training program so that they understand the risks involved with the shared space


Or talk about the increased risk with your employees so they understand handwashing importance


Can you dedicate tables to your employees only?


And perhaps locker inspections----there should not be any food stored in any of the lockers (it's a pest issue as well)

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The way we have managed this is that we have done a risk assessment naming the potential hazards. We also state that our GMP rules do not allow anyone to bring any food items on to the production floor. This, coupled with the fact we wear protective lab coats or smocks that are not allowed in the break area, has been satisfactory to our auditors.
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Are not lockers subject to inspection.

But cutting to the chase - why can't the other business have their own canteen/changing room/area?

This situation is a real CF, BEST WAY to solve is to seperate the two sides.
1 Thank

Thank you all .. you're all wonderful  :spoton:


I feel I must add that PPE is kept in an area where there is handwashing sinks before production - so you're removing your outdoor clothing and placing in locker in shared area then removing shoes before the barrier, swinging over and putting on PPE (washing hands in between steps in changing procedure)


It's definitely a CF situation  :giggle: .. I'd really love to put up a big red Twin Peaks style partition curtain but my boss doesn't share my enthusiasm  :shades:

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