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Carcass meat scoring or grading

Started by , Jun 21 2022 04:17 AM
4 Replies

Hello guiys


I'm Mark from Philippines, BTW I' am QA Officer in Plant Operation, Slaughter and Cutting Plant Production, My concern is we have been doing a study on pH of meat carcass and carcass grading or scoring but we don’t find any reference regarding the carcass grading (red meat: 5.4 to 6.2) this pH standard source from Food Standard Agency.


Thanks in advance :)

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Are you talking about intact muscle cuts or value added?



Why are you concerned about pH??

Hello Scampi


Im talking about raw material after receiving a pork carcass to conduct pH for raw meat (classify as: Red Meat).



Are you worried about DFD and PSE meats?

Hello Marloes,



Part of also the RFN, I cant find any reference for Pork Carcass/Meat grading to study the marblings and color score.




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