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Maintenance wearing gloves in processing area when repairing equipment?

Started by , Jun 13 2022 08:18 PM
5 Replies

Hello everyone,


Does anyone know where can I find information on gloves? In specific, i'm looking if its a requirement for maintenance to use gloves in a food processing area when repairing an equipment? We do use gloves now but crew complains that is hard to work with them. they always sanitize tools before and after each repair.

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I've worked at 2 SQF facilities.  None of the maintenance personnel have worn gloves (unless specifically needed for that job) as the equipment is cleaned and sanitized after the repair has been completed.

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Happy to hear this, @Miss Frankie.


We do follow a GMP program, so maintenance washes their hands before going into production area.  

I agree with MissFrankie, I have never seen MTC personnel wearing gloves while working on equipment. However, it's important that you have it stated in your procedures that equipment receives full cleaning/inspection after maintenance works on it. We would follow the same cleaning/inspection procedure as if the equipment was dirty after production.

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Hi fsafety15,


Gloves can be a bigger hazard if not managed properly.

With adequate hand washing facilities available, if they have hygiene and hand washing training there is no reason why they need to wear gloves.


Kind regards,


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I'm with Tony, and imho gloves can actually provide a false sense of security.   I'll take freshly washed hands over gloves any day of the week, and twice on Sunday...

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