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Internal and External Communications - Objective

Started by , Jun 08 2022 08:24 AM
2 Replies

Hi! We're planning to be certified to FSSC 5.1 and preparing our food safety objectives (based from the Food Safety Policy).

How can we translate the policy on internal and external communications -- into a MEASURABLE objective, as required by the standards? Thanks and looking forward to your replies.

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Greetings Artemis,


If you can share it what exactly is it that you mention about the internal external policy?


Although the standards require measurable objectives in practice not all of them can be measurable. Most objectives should of course be measurable so you can have statistical results but some can be based on observation.

A simple example on that is when you set an objective let's say about purchasing a new vehicle and at the review you mention whether you got it or not (giving a few details about it). That is observable. You can say I wanted to purchase 1 vehicle but in my opinion it is a needless overkill.


Apart from that and in your case it depends on what information you want to extract from your communication policy. As internal and external communication can include many things you can break it down to something more specific. Like in external you can mention that you want to have less than 5 complaints from customers or you may want to have more than 10 positive answers to new collaborations. In internal you could say you want 3% increase in feedback from your personnel about your processes or you may want to link 5 more desktops on your platform in key areas to have live data/comm updates etc.


My opinion is for some things to keep them relatively simple but then again the sky is the limit !!!



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It’s extremely important  to  have  measurable  objectives however some of them  cannot  be measurable.


In my opinion, and  in this  case, I  get used to measure them by counting  complaints from customers and  other  stakeholders (interested  parties) including  internal interested parties.

Another  way could  be  by  using satisfaction survey to evaluation the  communication (asking external and internal interested parties about  the quality  and  effectiveness of  communication system)




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