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Driving Brc/iop Down The Supply Chain?

Started by , May 26 2004 08:49 AM
5 Replies
I haven't got a copy of the BRC/IOP standard to hand but I think somewhere it says something like:

'Where appropriate suppliers should be required to achieve certification to this standard'

Ahem. Please somebody help me out and kindly quote the paragraph correctly.

I wondered now that many of you have achieved the standard for your organisations are you requiring your (relevant) suppliers to achieve certification to the BRC/IOP?

If so:

What kind of suppliers?
What countries?
How are they progressing?

If no:

Why not?
What is your Supplier Quality Assurance system?

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I think the one you are thinking of is section 4.10.1 'Where any production processes are subcontracted, the risks to the product from this process shall form part of the hazard analysis it may be a requirement for the sub-contractor to be certified under this Standard'

When we were audited the auditor suggested that as long as any suppliers we used had been audited by ourselves then this should be sufficient.
If all suppliers were required to be BRC/IoP certified, it is likely that we would be unable to source certain products.

I think the one you are thinking of is  section 4.10.1 'Where any production processes are subcontracted, the risks to the product from this process shall form part of the hazard analysis it may be a requirement for the sub-contractor to be certified under this Standard'

Hi John,

I've located my copy of the standard now. The clause you quote does apply for subcontracted processes but I intended more 4.9.2 in Supplier Monitoring:

"As part of hazard assessment, and where appropriate, suppliers of materials shall be certified to this Standard. Where this Standard is not implemented, the Company shall be responsible for ensuring that adequate technical practices are being maintained, audited and documented following a hazard analysis."

I agree it would make it difficult to source certain products if you could only purchase from BRC/IOP certified suppliers right now. But this is my point shouldn't you now be pushing "relevant" suppliers to achieve the standard. This would in theory provide 'due diligence' and save you from carrying out full blown audits of your suppliers and perhaps save a little cash into the bargain.

What criteria are you auditing your suppliers against?

Ah, supplier development.

I thought this little gem was a preserve of the Automotive supply chain. From what I can see you have it easy!!

TS2 has a wonderful item that effectively mandates I(WE) have to develop DuPont!!

Not going to happen reall, is it?

It also means we would never get a toolmaker to supply us!!

Perhaps we should start invoicing the CB's for sales commission!

Perhaps we should start invoicing the CB's for sales commission!

Yeah I know that part I dislike intensely and it's not a 100% guarantee of quality / hygiene. I advocate a quick visit to all critical suppliers for networking / benchmarking / learning purposes. But let someone else do the detailed audit and all the paperwork.

Any CB's out there got your finger on the pulse? Has interest / pressure from the retailer supply chain for suppliers to be BRC/IOP Certificated dropped off, still as strong, stronger or has pretty much everyone got it now?

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