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Need help finding SQF training classes (in-person is preferred)

Started by , Apr 27 2022 04:37 PM
7 Replies

Hey everyone! I've been lurking in the shadows of this forum since taking on the food safety coordinator role at our company. We have 2 cold storage warehouses that mainly deal with frozen food. We are getting one of the facilities SQF certified soon to add on a packaging process. 


So that got me thinking about training.. I would hate to know how much time I've spent searching online for SQF training courses. With COVID, I'm starting to think the chances of us finding a classroom based course, within reasonable distance, are not very high. We are located in SE Georgia and there doesn't seem to be any options in our area. We have found a couple online classes, but we all would prefer in-person, instructor led training.


So do any of you have any training options for 5-6 people new to SQF?  How did you train your team/practitioners?


Honestly, any guidance would be very much appreciated!

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I've been through a few Live Virtual classes since COVID started.  It was better than online learning, but not quite as good as in-person.  If you have enough people, you might be able to find a training group that will come to your facility and perform an in-person class.  As a first place to check, I've been through trainings hosted by SQF, Eurofins, and HACCP Consulting Group.


I have the benefit of living in the Chicago suburbs, so I can just commute to the city for in-person training classes and food safety conferences as they come through Chicago.

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Go to the source for training resources www.sqfi.con its all there and you can call them too, rhey are very reasponsive
1 Like1 Thank

Go to the source for training resources www.sqfi.con its all there and you can call them too, rhey are very reasponsive


This is what I was thinking too, SQFI literally wrote the book on it, right? Lol. The price is pretty hefty but it includes everything we could ever need to know. However, I was notified this morning corporate has found someone to come and teach all of us in August. 


Regardless of the outcome, I knew this forum would result in helpful responses. You guys are the best, thanks to you both!

I am getting a headache trying to find information on in-person classes (as requested we take by our client). 

Through SQFI (after much digging), I found a course called Implementing SQF Systems for Food Safety Code: Storage and Distribution that "looks" like it might be in-person and sounds perfect for us (we are an ambient 3rd party warehouse), and dates (although nothing Jan-June which we were hoping for late Jan), but no locations or pricing (I did send a request for info).  I also found a number of on-line only, or older information about classes that were offered (beautiful flyer for a class less than 20 miles from where I'm at, but it was dated 2016 and nothing is currently listed on the companies website).


Are there any companies that offer specifically in-person classes for non-manufacturing warehouses that anyone can direct me towards some websites?  Google keeps circling back to SQFI and DQS (inquiries sent), and I've tried my local colleges, county, and state websites.  West coast would be preferred, but anything in the U.S or Canada would likely work (my pointing out that SQFI lists classes in the Caribbean were laughed at like they thought I was joking). 


Also, any help on what course title to look for that would benefit a storage facility that damages/disposes all food that is out of spec, we do not do any recoup or repacking. 


SQFI, Lumar, DQS, and DNV, requests for more info sent.


Initially this will be for 2 people, but may include 4 more in the next year.

I am getting a headache trying to find information on in-person classes (as requested we take by our client). 

Through SQFI (after much digging), I found a course called Implementing SQF Systems for Food Safety Code: Storage and Distribution that "looks" like it might be in-person and sounds perfect for us (we are an ambient 3rd party warehouse), and dates (although nothing Jan-June which we were hoping for late Jan), but no locations or pricing (I did send a request for info).  I also found a number of on-line only, or older information about classes that were offered (beautiful flyer for a class less than 20 miles from where I'm at, but it was dated 2016 and nothing is currently listed on the companies website).


Are there any companies that offer specifically in-person classes for non-manufacturing warehouses that anyone can direct me towards some websites?  Google keeps circling back to SQFI and DQS (inquiries sent), and I've tried my local colleges, county, and state websites.  West coast would be preferred, but anything in the U.S or Canada would likely work (my pointing out that SQFI lists classes in the Caribbean were laughed at like they thought I was joking). 


Also, any help on what course title to look for that would benefit a storage facility that damages/disposes all food that is out of spec, we do not do any recoup or repacking. 


SQFI, Lumar, DQS, and DNV, requests for more info sent.


Initially this will be for 2 people, but may include 4 more in the next year.

I took an implementing SQF course this fall through Lumar. I specifically chose them since they offered an in person course and that is what I wanted. The course was hybrid, in-person and online and two weeks before the course was to start they emailed me that I was the only one attending the course in person and they suggested I switch to virtual for a better experience. I was pretty disappointed but switched since I didn't want to be the only one in the classroom, I thought that would be pretty awkward. The virtual couse ended up being ok, but I still would have preferred in-person.


So if booking with lumar, check to make sure it will actually be in person.........

I took an implementing SQF course this fall through Lumar. I specifically chose them since they offered an in person course and that is what I wanted. The course was hybrid, in-person and online and two weeks before the course was to start they emailed me that I was the only one attending the course in person and they suggested I switch to virtual for a better experience. I was pretty disappointed but switched since I didn't want to be the only one in the classroom, I thought that would be pretty awkward. The virtual couse ended up being ok, but I still would have preferred in-person.


So if booking with lumar, check to make sure it will actually be in person.........


What city was it supposed to be located in?

What city was it supposed to be located in?



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