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Letter for suppliers for separation of food and chemicals during shipping and storage

Started by , Apr 25 2022 10:20 PM
5 Replies

Hello all - Does anyone have a letter they are willing to share instructing suppliers not to ship non food-grade chemicals with our ingredients? Thank you! 

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I have found that unless the supplier is using dedicated on contract transportation the request can be made, and if not it is virually imposible to carey out.

In addition this type of service carries a price tag with it.

your shipping ingredient LTL???  

your shipping ingredient LTL???  

We receive ingredients LTL, yes.  We are not a big enough facility to buy truckloads.  Is there an issue I'm missing?

I have found that unless the supplier is using dedicated on contract transportation the request can be made, and if not it is virually imposible to carey out.

In addition this type of service carries a price tag with it.

Yes, that is what we are finding.  It is very uncommon, but when it does happen, I've been covering it using our receiving truck inspection program to cover any potential cross contamination due to leakage, damage, etc.  Additionally, all ingredients are received in closed and sealed containers.  Training of receviers in theis area is documented as well.  

At a previous employer, we could only get LTL shipments for most things......you will not be able to have your request followed.


You can put a statement in your plan stating as much, but your inspection before receiving needs to be effective to account for the hazards


Your form 9 (hazards not controlled by the facility) should also include this as an issue

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