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Food Grade Paint for food Surface areas

Started by , Apr 19 2022 06:53 PM
5 Replies

Hi All,


Are we allowed to use the food grade paints to identify our food contact production tools? (Metal trays used in the baking ovens)

If so, Do you know an approved brand in Canada ?



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Hi Hilda, welcome to the forum! Out of curiosity: painted trays in the ovens? What paint could survive under baking temperatures? Just wondering...

Are you talking about painting the loaf pans/ trays on the outside (non-product contact area) as an identifier? If so, whomever does the glazing for your pans typically offers that option. I believe this company offers that service https://www.panglo.com/ - where they put a white stripe on the side so you can identify pan types.


Would never allow painting of any food contact surface.

1 Thank

Thank you Kara for your answers.

I was not sure if food grade paining is allowed on the food surfaces.

I will contact the company you introduced. I have to find a way to identify these baking trays (pans)



DO NOT paint the food contact surfaces  CFIA will give you a non conformance for this and you're back to square one


Best case scenario, you have paint flakes on your finished good


Worst case scenario, it off gases after repeated use and you've contaminated your product


You'd be way better off drilling holes and using tags once the trays are out of the oven to identify the batches  or even better, tag the cooling racks


Paragraph 53©: Materials used in construction and maintenance of conveyances or equipment
  • The conveyances or equipment you use to manufactureprepare, store, package or label food or slaughter food animals is constructed of and maintained using materials that are suitable for their intended use
    • The conveyance or equipment is made of material that is not affected by the food. For instance, salt or food acids may have a negative effect on some materials
    • You repair the conveyance or equipment using spare parts that are approved or recommended by the manufacturer
  • If the material used in the construction or maintenance of conveyances or equipment presents a risk of contamination to the food, the material is
    • corrosion-resistant
    • durable
    • capable of withstanding repeated cleaning and, if necessary to prevent contamination of the food, sanitizing, unless the equipment is intended for single-use; and
    • free of noxious constituents
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I cannot think of an instance where paint would be recommended on pans or trays.

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