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What is the maximum allergen limits in ppm of egg, soy and milk to be declared on the label

Started by , Mar 10 2022 07:10 PM
3 Replies

Hello, please  I need to help you, What is the maximun limits allergen in ppm of egg, soy and milk, to be declared on the label and what is the standard?

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Where are you selling the products?

Different countries have their own regulations on allergens so the applicable one(s) will depend on where your products are sold.
In general these are typically a presence/absence thing though, so in most cases if you have any presence of soy/egg/milk you'd need to declare them if they are on the list of allergens for the relevant country.

Where are you selling the products?

Different countries have their own regulations on allergens so the applicable one(s) will depend on where your products are sold.
In general these are typically a presence/absence thing though, so in most cases if you have any presence of soy/egg/milk you'd need to declare them if they are on the list of allergens for the relevant country.

We are selling to UK

We are selling to UK

I anticipate > last paragraph Post 2.


(exceptions are in fact not so many, eg probably Australia and probably readily checked for legality by googling).


eg -




PS - Wrong Forum ?

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