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QA team building exercises

Started by , Feb 23 2022 10:35 AM
10 Replies

Hi All,


I just started a new job in QA. We re-structured our department to be centralized and to have more team-work with our teams in other locations and countries. We will have a live-QA team meet next month (if covid allows). Most of us have only met online until now. And I am looking for funny out-of-the-box team building exercises. 


I floated the idea of doing a ''boring QA'' task in a funny weird team building way. Like developing a Risk analysis or Stake Holders analysis for our QA team. And than add funny anecdotes as ''Risk: dog is too cute not to show and disrupt digital meetings'' or ''Risk: too tall too look auditors in the eyes''.

But I am not completely sure how this should look yet.

Does anyone here have any fun QA team building ''exercises''?

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Competition between team members "Who will eat doughnuts faster"? 

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Stuffing your face always sounds good in my book :giggle:

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Hi there!

I'm not sure if you only want to incorporate QA tasks into your team building, but I have used some fun day to day games that my team has enjoyed.  They were as simple as hangman on a common white board that we had. We were 3 shifts and could be really disconnected at times. We also had a really high turn over rate.  I found that it was simple, didn't require all of us to be in the same room and didn't take away from our day to day tasks. However the team really enjoyed it and encouraged friendly competition.

I recently participated in a game of 2 truths and a lie over teams which went well too. You can use the polling option which makes it simple to track and for people to submit their responses. 

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  They were as simple as hangman on a common white board that we had. We were 3 shifts and could be really disconnected at times. We also had a really high turn over rate.  I found that it was simple, didn't require all of us to be in the same room and didn't take away from our day to day tasks. However the team really enjoyed it and encouraged friendly competition.


An ongoing game of hangman sounds fun.
I will look into if we can set up something small and online.
I don't want to get in trouble with HR for playing hangman al the time...

  What a great idea and sounds super fun.    

  Have been to a Team Meeting where host asked us to send her a baby picture of ourselves before the meeting and then we had to guess who's baby picture was who's.  Definitely brought a lot of smiles and lightened the mood.  The person who got the most guesses correct won a pen.

  If don't have that much time, Pictograms, Trivia or Boggle can be fun too.  To make it team building break out into teams so there is interaction between people.  (Might specify no use of cell phones and computer searches. :) )

  Maybe ask each person to be prepared to share one of their funniest or oddest work experiences while being in QA.  It helps to share experiences to build a team feeling.  Could also ask them share any experiences where they would like to hear advice from others on how the situation might have been handled better or if it is a current problem how it might be improved (as we often do on this forum.).  For this you might offer that the host can present the situations for confidentiality if someone is uncomfortable to do so.

Food Safety "Wordle" lol, I am obsessed with this game lately.



When the training (informal and interactive) was finished, we had organized a "pub quiz". Teams were then made and the training was repeated here in a playful way (and of cource with prizes). This was al lot of fun to organize and to see the teams doing there best and having fun (and also be competitive with each other :lol2:).

Food Safety "Wordle" lol, I am obsessed with this game lately.



Here we call it Lingo. It was is a long running popular TV show.


I remember at my last job, we had a team-building exercise where we created a mock “risk analysis” for our office pets. It was hilarious—like “Risk: Office dog might steal snacks” and “Risk: Cat might nap on important documents.” It brought a lot of laughs and helped us bond.

I remember at my last job, we had a team-building exercise where we created a mock “risk analysis” for our office pets. It was hilarious—like “Risk: Office dog might steal snacks” and “Risk: Cat might nap on important documents.” It brought a lot of laughs and helped us bond.

On a more professional note, I’ve also seen effective training programs that mix humor with serious content. For instance, hrdf training programs often integrate engaging, interactive elements to make learning enjoyable while still being productive. Maybe blending a bit of that approach could add a fun twist to your QA team-building session.

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