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SQF Code Edition 9 - Amendments or Changes Coming in 2022?

Started by , Feb 11 2022 08:22 PM
4 Replies

Hi all,


I work in Quality Control for an ice cream packaging manufacturing company.  We are SQF certified under FSC 27: Manufacture of Food Packaging (which includes Module 13), and have a recertification audit window of May 21 through July 20, 2022.   


Since the change last year to Edition 9 we are wondering if anyone is aware of any forthcoming updates or amendments to the SQF Code?





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The 4 amendments that were made post issuance of v9 were to avoid an entire new version for 2022!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 Thank

Here they are:




Hope it helps.



1 Thank

Thanks for the responses, my coworkers are starting to ask questions about our upcoming audit this this summer.

Never too early to get started on review.  Good luck!



1 Thank

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