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Who signs paperwork?

Started by , Feb 10 2022 12:27 AM
6 Replies

At my former company, the person filling out the paperwork signed it, then another HACCP trained person reviewed and signed it as well.

At my current company, the person filling out the paperwork, signs, or initials their work, but it's not being reviewed/signed.

Is this required or not? 
We just had a USDC audit and the inspector didn't say anything about it.  But he would catch it at my former company if a reviewed signature was missing.


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What kind of paperwork?

This sounds like it is going to be part of the verification and validation argument.  FDA requires us to have a worker sign the sheets and then have them audited by a supervisory party.  These are temperature control logs.  USDA requires the same thing.  They are for room and equipment cleaning logs for import inspection.  Simon is on to something though, depends on what the paperwork is.



As a general rule of thumb, you cannot check your own work


So if these are documents that are completed as per your food safety program, than someone OTHER than you completed the record should be reviewing and signing off as such

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As a general rule of thumb, you cannot check your own work


So if these are documents that are completed as per your food safety program, than someone OTHER than you completed the record should be reviewing and signing off as such



I second what Scampi said. We are dealing with a similar issue, 1 QA is out and the other wanted to sign off on his own paperwork. We had a discussion and came to the conclusion, you should not check your own work.

Also, depending on what type of records they are, they may need to be signed by the PCQI.  Any records that are part of your food safety plan should be reviewed and signed by the PCQI.

What kind of paperwork?

Pretty much everything.  Daily production records.  QC records. Temperature checks, calibrations, monthly plant checks.

At my former company EVERYTHING was signed/initialed by who filled it out, then reviewed and signed by someone else.

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