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Best way to salt roasted cashew kernel

Started by , Feb 08 2022 07:41 PM
7 Replies
What is the best way to package Salted cashew kernels. Should the salt be applied during the roasting... Or powdered salt should be added into the packaging container.

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Hi Yingor,


In my previous company we use to apply while roasting.


other option is  mix with very small amount of oil ( X Percentage/batch)  and salt then mix it properly will also works.

Oil just helps to stick salt to the product.



Best way is off course apply while roasting

Hi Yingor,

In my previous company we use to apply while roasting.

other option is mix with very small amount of oil ( X Percentage/batch) and salt then mix it properly will also works.
Oil just helps to stick salt to the product.


Hi Namishka,

Thank you for the response.
In apply whiles roasting do you apply salt solution? Or raw salt.


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I did a walkthrough of a plant that did this.  They applied a brine solution just prior to roasting.  Salt/water or salt/oil.



Hi Namishka,

Thank you for the response.
In apply whiles roasting do you apply salt solution? Or raw salt.


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Hi Yingor, its salt solution (X Percentage salt dissolved in water)



I did a walkthrough of a plant that did this.  They applied a brine solution just prior to roasting.  Salt/water or salt/oil.




I don't have direct experience of this, but I've spoken to an auditor who's visited sites that manufacture roasted/salted nuts and that's exactly the process she described. Apparently the smell of the nuts roasting is brilliant, and the taste of the product directly out of the ovens is like nothing else! I was somewhat surprised to learn that it's applied as a brine solution, but it makes sense that it would be an effective way of mixing through.

I don't have direct experience of this, but I've spoken to an auditor who's visited sites that manufacture roasted/salted nuts and that's exactly the process she described. Apparently the smell of the nuts roasting is brilliant, and the taste of the product directly out of the ovens is like nothing else! I was somewhat surprised to learn that it's applied as a brine solution, but it makes sense that it would be an effective way of mixing through.


It is an experience that is for sure.  Like eating fresh baked bread from a bakery for the first time. There is just something about getting product that is just finished and in its prefect form.  Awesome.



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