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Training Program SOP

Started by , Feb 02 2022 10:16 PM
5 Replies

Hi all!

Currently my facility is in its first year of production (large company with each location running independently).


Our training program uses alchemy and we will be able to create a matrix from this and we house records and perform refreshers.

My question is, Our GMP SOP calls out our "training program" but there is no SOP for how this is ran.

Is it necessary to create a training program SOP?

or does the fact that we are able to call out how we do the program enough? 



Thanks!  :happydance:

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What scheme are you certified to (if applicable?). It might be relevant to see what the language of the scheme says as a starting point 

@jdpaul We are an SQF certified facility! Just underwent our audit in November with no issue with training..

You don't have to have an SOP for each of your programs, that would be redundant. However, if you have a clause in your GFSI scheme referring to personnel training, you may outline it there. 

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I would say as long as you can prove conformance to the following subclause under clause 2.9 (Training) you shouldn't worry about a written SOP A training program shall be documented and implemented. It shall outline the necessary competencies for specific duties and the training methods to be applied to relevant personnel upon initial hire and for ongoing refresher training. The training program shall include at a minimum:



The above seems to refer more to a training matrix by job role, etc.

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Thanks all!


I have our matrix that will show also refresher training.


I say I skip out on the SOP and let our training speak for itself 


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