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EU Code of Practice for Mustard Sauce

Started by , Jan 29 2022 11:09 AM
1 Reply

Hi All, 


Kindly need your help to understand a clause in the EU "Code of Practice" for Mustard Sauce. The clause states...

Dry mustard extract content shall not be less than 15% by weight of the final product (if cereal flour is added less than 3% dry mustard extract content shall not be less than 18 % by weight of the final product). 


Additionally, if I am adding "Pure Mustard Flour" about 14% does the above clause means I need to increase it to be 15% or it is related to something else? Dry matter/Dry extract content/ Moisture?! 


Pls elaborate. I am not a food technologist :)


Many thanks in advance! 



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mustard seeds or mustard flour. The mustard seed dry extract content must be at least 15% by weight in the prepared mustards. From what I understand you must have at least 15% of the dry matter (weight) in the finished product be contributed by either pure mustard seed or pure mustard flour. So if you are selling a 500 gram. container of mustard paste or mustard product 75% grams must be contributed by pure mustard flour or mustard seed.





I believe the mustard seed and mustard flour are used interchangeably since pure mustard flour is just finely ground mustard seeds


I hope this provides guidance. Also the dry extract or content is referring to the solids by weight after evaporation of all liquids


My understanding of interpreting the language makes it sound like added cereal flour must be kept to a maximum of 3% in which case the dry extract must be 18%. You have 15% dry mustard (seed or flour) and 3% (cereal flour).


Not sure if this helps. but this is how I interpreted it. I would be interested to hear what others have to say. Some of these food standards are written very poorly

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